What can I feed my dog_

Do you love pets? Want to feed your dog? Don’t you know the food to feed your dog? Are you asking what can I feed my dog? Alright! You’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’m going to suggest some of the dog foods; I hope the following information may help you to choose the best foods to feed your dog.

Before entering into the topic of “What can I feed my dog?” I am going to share you some dog food tips that will help you in deciding which foods are good for your pet’s health.

What foods must you avoid?

  1. Avoid grapes and raisins

By the consumption of grapes and raisins, your dog may feel What foods must you avoid?vomiting sensation, so it is best to avoid those foods.

  1. Onions may cause some harm to dog’s health

Onions can cause toxicity to your pets and may cause damage to your pets’ immune system. Hence, be aware of choosing your dog food. Make sure that the foods you choose contain onions or not.

  1. Can I give my dog garlic?

Definitely, no. Why? This is because, like onions garlic also harmful to your pets. And, it causes some damage to the red blood cells of your pets’.

  1. Avoid feeding spicy foods and spicy sauce:

If you feed your dog spicy foods, it may lead to bowel condition and may cause some irritation to your dogs.

  1. Avoid feeding avocados; this may cause diarrhoea or vomiting to your pets.

Hence, while choosing food for your pets’, keep in mind the foods you must avoid feeding your dog, which I mentioned above.

What should I feed my dog?

Are you seeking for the foods to feed your dog? If so, don’t get Fruits are great for dog’s healthworried, here is the list of foods to feed your dog.

Fruits are great for dog’s health:

What foods can I feed my dog? Following are some of the foods, which give essential nutrients to your pets’.


Apples are a great snack for your pets and it is an excellent source of vitamin A and C, which is good for your pets’ health.


Bananas are rich in vitamin K, minerals, potassium and it is a healthy snack to your pets. It speeds up the digestive process and can regulate your pet’s bowel habits.


Can dogs eat salmon? If you want to maintain your dog skin shiny, then the salmon is a great food for doing this job. Salmon is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which helps to keep your dog’s skin healthy forever.

Baby carrots:

These fiber-rich and low-calorie foods are good for dog’s teeth and it is high in protein content.


Can I give Yogurt to my dogs? Sure, it is rich in calcium and protein, which is very good for your dog’s digestive system. Ensure that the yogurt does not contain any added sugars and artificial sweeteners, it may cause harm to your dogs.