How to Self-diagnose Shoulder Pain

Are you not sure what might be wrong with your joint? Want to diagnose shoulder pain? Then don’t worry, there are two ways to determine the problem with your shoulder. Yes, you can do it in two ways. They are by getting help from an expert doctor and another way is self-diagnose.

Many people choosing a self-diagnosing method to determine issues with the shoulder, because this method helps to reduce money spending with doctors.  In this article, I’m going to discuss with ways to self-diagnose your pain on the shoulder.

How to self-diagnose shoulder pain?

People who are performing gym activities shoulder get shoulder pain at least once during their lifetime. If you workout in the gym, then there are chances for you to experience this self-diagnose shoulder painproblem. Then its need to know the reason for shoulder pain, so that you can able to avoid those factors right!!

You know the shoulder joint is one of the most risk containing joints in the body. So, if your shoulder is healthy, then do complex exercises. Otherwise, choose the activities that you can able to do to avoid danger.

Luckily, you have a few methods to diagnose the causes of shoulder pain. However, these methods don’t replace an original doctor and it can’t give the 100% result. But, this helps you to understand the symptoms of shoulder pain. At the same time, you need a partner to accomplish it.

#1: Impingement

In this self-diagnosing method, call your partner and ask him/her to raise your arm to the front and overhead. While raising your arm, make sure that your partner keeps him/her one hand on the arm and another one to give support for your shoulder blade.

If the pain is left after this method, then the result is positive and your shoulder pain is caused by impingement of tendons in that area where you feel pain.

#2: Biceps Tendonitis test

In order to do this test, follow the below steps:

  1. Sit in a comfortable place and raise your painful shoulder to forward and front.
  2. Turn your palm up, when you holding your shoulder in front of you.
  3. Ask your partner to push your shoulder.

If still, you feel pain on shoulder, then that pain is caused by biceps tendinitis.

#3: Labrum tear

This self-diagnosing test contains two types:

  • Apprehension test
  • Relocation test

Labrum tear

Apprehension test:

  • Lie on your back on the floor
  • Move the shoulder perpendicular to the side
  • Turn your elbow to 90-degree angle

Then ask your partner to slowly rotate the shoulder towards your ear. If this test will result positive, then your shoulder pain is because of a labrum tear.

Relocation test:

In order to take the relocation test, ask your partner to smoothly press the front of your shoulder. This will relocate your shoulder joint. If you feel less relocation, then it confirms that you’re suffered due to a labrum tear.

These are the few self-diagnosing your shoulder pain. However, it doesn’t replace your doctor.